Community Discretionary Fund Application Form

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Criteria and process

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This form is used by clubs or organisations to apply for funding. The application criteria below provide details of the information you will need to supply with this application. If you wish to save an incomplete application and return to it at a later date please log in using RealMe.

The Cambridge Community Board (Cambridge & Maungatautari wards), Te Awamutu Community Board (Te Awamutu & Kakepuku wards) and a standing committee of Council for the Pirongia ward, known as the Pirongia Ward Committee, each hold the following delegation from Waipa District Council:

“Allocate funding within the approved budget, providing that any decision to allocate any of those funds must be made in accordance with the promotion of the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of communities in the present and for the future.”

Under the above delegation, each community board and the committee receive a limited amount of discretionary funds from Council each year, which they may choose to allocate towards community groups or organisations within the separate wards of Waipā district in accordance with the provisions of the delegation.

Financial assistance allocated generally ranges between $200 - $2,000, but applications for larger amounts will be considered. Details on the criteria and the application process for financial assistance are set out below.


The 2021/22 discretionary fund applications open 5 July 2021 and will close 13 August 2021. Applications will be considered at the Cambridge Community Board meeting, 1 September, Te Awamutu Community Board meeting, 7 September, and the Pirongia Ward Committee meeting, 8 September. A second round for discretionary fund applications will open 7 February 2022 and will close 19 March 2022. Applications will be considered at the Cambridge Community Board meeting 6 April, Te Awamutu Community Board meeting 12 April and the Pirongia Ward Committee meeting 13 April. Some funds may be available between the two funding rounds. Discretionary fund applications, that clearly demonstrate an urgent requirement of funds, may be considered outside of the funding rounds.


  1. The applicant applying for financial assistance must be a not-for-profit group or organisation and be providing a local community or welfare service for the benefit of the wider Waipa community i.e. not a private club.
  2. The application must specify the local services, facilities and benefits being provided to the community.
  3. For the 2021/22 funding round all local community projects will be considered, however, priority will be given to applications for local community activities or projects that promote resilience or recovery from Covid-19. This could include proposals such as programmes for people whose income has been affected, community initiatives to drive resilience or self-sufficiency in the community (such as community gardens; teaching cooking, sewing or financial literacy) or activities that promote economic recovery by generating revenue for local businesses, employment or bring people into the district,. For non-Covid-19 related proposals less priority will be placed on operating costs.
  4. All applications must be supported by a copy of the applicant’s most current bank statement. If there is a budget for the proposal, a copy should be attached (this may include quotes for equipment, works or services). Applications without these financial records attached will not be considered.
  5. Financial assistance will not be available from more than one source of council funding for the same purpose (event or activity) within council’s financial year starting 1 July.
  6. Applications cannot be received for expenses or events that have already happened (retrospective).
  7. If successful, it is preferable that the funding is utilised within the same financial year as is applied in. However, the funding will be available to the successful applicant for 12 months from the time of approval. After 12 months, the applicant will have to reapply for funding.
  8. A thanks or mention of the committee’s/board’s support to your project is expected. This may be a sponsors sign stating “Proudly supported by…”, thanks in a media release, advertisement, newsletters etc.


  • Applicants should identify on the attached application form the community board or committee to which they are applying, which will be where their group or organisation resides or carries out its activities.
  • If you are applying to more than one community board or committee for financial assistance for the same purpose because your activities encompass a wide area within the Waipā district, one application form can be submitted – select which boards/committee you are applying to. Otherwise please submit separate applications.
  • Please ensure that all the questions on the application form are answered and all required documents are attached
  • Successful applicants must provide an invoice to Waipa District Council, which will be paid by direct credit into the group/organisation’s bank account. A bank deposit slip or recent bank statement summary must be included with the invoice to verify the account name and number before payment can be processed.
  • If you would like help or advice in completing this form contact the council’s Governance team.

You are not restricted to one board for the same purpose.
You are not restricted to one board for the same purpose.

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